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adidas Pride Collection 2020 - Love unites ?

July 16, 2020 4:04 PM
adidas Pride Collection 2020 - Love unites ?
Updated at
August 28, 2024

Dear community, a few days ago the mail from adidas reached my inbox and I wanted to take a little more time for this blog post and this topic. Sure, you've already seen them in our release calendar and they've already been released, but the current events in the world deserve to tell you a little more about this collection. And I think after that, you will understand why it is sometimes so important that the bigger companies take care of the issues of society and create something more attention for the really important things. I too stand for the slogan Love unites, because only love creates love ? Meet the adidas Pride Collection 2020!

adidas Pride Collection 2020

I can now list all sneakers of this collection plus styles, but I think they speak for themselves. Lots of color, support for the LGBTQ+ community and everything that goes with a real and marketing designed collection. Bravo adidas, you did a great job ? But what you did even better? Giving the characters the right attention and presenting them authentically ?

I myself cannot really have a say in this kind of discrimination. I love 'conventional', my Italian roots give me at most a so-called olive -teint (?) during 3 weeks in the sun and even as a young girl I was already a bit positively envious of the great dance moves and grooves of women like TLC, Destiny's Child or Aliyah. At that time I never really thought that you are different just because of your skin color.


I do think that children and young people are simply human and fortunately they do not yet have a sense of inequality or do not create it as long as they are not encouraged to do so by home. Also there probably again a cheer to the Ruhr area (its where I grew up in the very west of Germany), where we grew up with kebab, pizza, gyros etc. from the very beginning and so it didn't matter where your friends came from. The most important thing was, that they were nice. My friend Susi always had Princepolo from Poland, which was a big plus ?

But good. My further way was in NL and since 6 years I live in Amsterdam. Diversity is in the blood of the Amsterdamers and even if there is a big discussion about the VOF past, I could enjoy even more multi-culture here. Roti Rol, Saté, Pastei at the local toko - sorry, this should not be a gourmet blogpost, but woooow! Without multi-cultural influences I would never have tried this ?

My friends and I celebrate Gay Pride here every year and the night before is absolutely amazing! Best night out in the year, when I go out with my buddy Guy, because there is no other evening in the year where there is so much love for the people around you. I have such interesting conversations and dance so happily and until the morning hours ?

When you are not so close to the action, I can talk about myself, I sometimes feel somehow useless or helpless. My surroundings, my friends, me - actually almost everyone in my environment stands FOR Pride & Diversity. But without making this a big issue. With us it is simply not a topic at all, and it would never come up in us to distinguish between people. That's what makes it difficult to support properly, because what is the best way to help if you can't understand the problem. If you can't understand that there are people who create these problems with wrong ideas?

Maybe that's why this blog post was so important to me. Since one year I have been accompanying the team of Sneakerjagers on their way to a community. We already had the Coolboys here, or even the shy ones. Those who had no preference for sneakers, but are now absolute fans or the other way around. Who says what is right or wrong? Or who can 'fit' where, how, what, somewhere? Someone on the team once left because we might not have spent the whole day with jo bro and hype hype hype vocabulary around us. Don't you close your eyes to what you can learn in other ways?


So folks, open your eyes and create your very own experience. Spread pride. And not just with empty air, but squeeze your A…cheeks and pull your stuff through. You are the new generation! You have all possibilities to make the world a better place. To change it, to spread positivity. But this is only possible if you stand by your word and stay true to it. Patience brings change ?

Pride is about coming together in joy, unity and solidarity - and now more than ever that spirit is needed. ⁣⁣


Okay, auntie Becky has brought enough life wisdom into the world again. What I actually want to express with this blog post is that even if it sometimes feels like an endless story, unfair and horrible things have happened in the context and fairness is often a long way to go - there are already plenty of positive thinking people who are supportive every day or just consider it normal. Because it's actually normal, because we live these 'diversities' every day and every day. And everyday is normal, right? ?

adidas Pride Collection 2020 - The sneaker

Oh yes, there were also some sneakers ? Right, you are still at the sneaker search engine, so here we go:

Superstar Pride Schuh

So get one of these sneakers or any other part of the Pride Collection and make a statement! ?‍♀️ ??‍♀️ ??‍♀️ ??‍♀️ ??‍♀️ ??‍♀️

Pride Month in Amsterdam is July 2020, unfortunately the parade cannot take place, but there are still a few events left. Just check out the website!

All the content is created according to our Editorial guidelines.


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